About Study & Work

About Study and Work
Our Team
Our Vision
News and Events

We offer assistance, advice and support in finding the best place for your child to study in New Zealand. Places to study are schools (years 10 to 13), polytechs, and universities.

We are a Kiwi owned and based team dedicated to placing students in appropriate high quality educational institutions. We are based in Palmerston North, North Island, New Zealand.

We are committted to your child's well being and safety and finding an appropriate educational institution where he or she can attain their educational aspirations.

Study & Work NZ Limited
GST 124 300 835
869 Main Street,
(PO Box 995),
Palmerston North 4410,
New Zealand.

We can assist you to make the most appropriate selection for your child's education. We can host you if you visit to get first hand knowledge of schools of interest. We can also help in guiding you through the application, travel and visa details. A brochure outling the New Zealand education system and lifestyle is available on this link.