Massey University - has three campuses - Albany (north Auckland), Palmerston North (main campus) and Wellington (School of Design). Massey features strongly in veterinary science, food technology, social sciences, agricultural science, business and design.
More information at Massey University.
Victoria University of Wellington is based in central Wellington and features strongly in law, economics, public policy and international affairs, business, sciences, achitecture, music.
More information at Victoria University.
UCOL (Universal College of Learning) is based in Palmerston North. UCOL specialises in trades, catering, nursing.
More information at UCOL.
WelTec (Whitireia - WelTec) is a polytechnic based in the greater Wellington area and offers a wide variety of courses, espcially in trades and IT.
Find out more at Wellington Polytechnic.
ETC (English Teaching College) has facilities in both Palmerston North and Wellington region, and provides foreign students with programmes to upgrade their english skills so that they gain the necessary level of proficiency to enter tertiary level learning.
More information at ETC. A brochure in Vietnamese is available on this link.
Whanganui Collegiate School (formerly spelt Wanganui) is one of New Zealand's oldest and most respected schools. Originally a private school for boys run by the Anglican Church. Now integrated into the state school system and co-eductional (takes boys and girls). As a boarding school, students get wrap around support and a quality learning environment.
More information at Whanganui Collegiate.
Wellington Girls' College - established in 1883 (and formerly known as Wellington Girls' High School) is one of the most respected learning institions for girls in New Zealand.
More information at Wellington Girls' College.
Wellington East Girls' College is an alternative Wellignton Girls' College.
More information is at Wellington East.
Wellington High School is a co-eductional secondary school for boys and girls also located in the central Wellington area.
More information is available at Wellington High.